Last night a friend of mine convinced me to go with him to a Drag Show at the cute gay pub. It was good fun, but naturally I have absolutely no brakes when it comes to over indulding. Yip after being drug and alcohol free for a while it so happens that I am coerced into doing it again (didn't take more than a bit of a twist to my rubber arm...) Its Monday morning and I feel like death warmed over and alas, i can't even stay home and sleep it off. The show must go on!! Why oh ...
I have been so lazy lately. Usually i have lots of energy and spunk, but these days i just couldn't be bothered to do anything around the house. Even at work its getting to be a problem. Would love to know what causes sudden bouts of absolute laziness for long periods of time. Hope i'll snap out of it soon
I have decided i am going to start writhing short stories. You know, run of the mill porn. Should be fun I think seeing that i get to practice everything I want to write about on the new boyfriend. Yes he actually called himself my boyfriend today. YIPPPEEEE!!! Ok now that that is out of my system bring on the quill and parchment...
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
Yip didn't take too long to happen but it did. I broke up with him, the man I thought was going to be THE ONE... should have known better, its not like its never happened before. Only this time he didn't get tired of me, I actually thought he was too much of a whimp. too Fem for me thank you very much. What was I thinking. Anyway, life goes on...
We just had a four day weekend in Sunny SA and this usually means braais, parties and general mayhem for those of us who frequent certain clubs. Well this year was no exception what so ever. Work ended on Thursday afternoon and signaled the beginning of the weekend, but I had nothing planned for the entire weekend. This would not do of course as I was not going to let myself sit at home and feel sorry for myself. Unfortunatley nothing came up for me to do on Tursday night but was soon...
It's official! i am an emotional masochist. Yip there comes a time in one's life when you realise that you just can't be happy - infact you won't allow yourself to be happy. it comes a nocking on your door but you just kick it in the groin. the reason for my epiphany is a situation with a man once again. You geuessed it, a man wants to be with me and i'm not very enthusiastic. the man is the ex. yes one and the same ex i thought was the end of me. well he came crawling back and i t...
As I was lying in bed this moring after waking up at 5am, the moon was shining brightly through my window onto my bed. It was just one of those moments in life where everything is just perfect. I HATE waking up in the morning, but today I was just so moved by the beauty of it that I couldn't help but be completely content with everything in my life. Lying there, I didn't have that need to be with someone, I didn't need to justify who I am, why I do the things I do, what I look like or ...